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When you begin your spiritual journey…
When you begin your spiritual journey…
It will be a journey of self discovery, self awareness, self healing, self reflection and integrity beyond your wildest of dreams. It is about you and you alone. No one else but only you wanting to become a better version of yourself than the day before, the week before, the month before and even the year before.
Your soul knows the way to self healing, enlightenment and a more natural way of living that will be more simplistic than what you have have ever been taught before. It’s what is balanced and right for your level of needs versus wants, desires or societal expectations. No two paths are ever the same or identical. It’s what is right for you at that moment in time.
A spiritual life path is about having faith over fear. Trusting in yourself, what feels correct and comfortable to you and knowing it is alright to make ourselves happy too. It is about throwing away the box that we grew up in and realizing that our dreams can come true if we work through the roadblocks in life. Realizing that it is ok to change our belief systems that we were conditioned to believe to be the right way to live within our families of origin, our country of origin and societal status as well. It’s about learning that we have the right to be, become and beacon as a sovereign human being just like anyone else.
What are you interested in? What resonates with you on a higher level of learning? How are you seeking out a safe mentor or teacher during your time of self discovery and awareness as well? What makes you happier in your life? What are your desires and aspirations in life? Those are key aspects that are very very important for you. It’s about learning safer boundaries and having a healthier relationship with yourself first and then expanding out with a healthier relationship with others as well. It’s about you learning about you and who you truly are from the inside out. What is our true self and why we have been born into this society at this moment in time.
Life is meant to be lived, enjoyed, explored and created from the inside out of each and everyone of us as we each have a special gift, talent, skill or natural ability to share with the each other. We are here to play our role in the world. Believe in yourself and enjoy being uniquely you… ~Margaret